Sober Living

Gratitude: The Benefits and How to Practice It

the importance of gratitude in recovery

It plays a crucial role in early recovery by counterbalancing overwhelming emotions, shame, guilt, and remorse, allowing individuals to build a positive mindset and focus on their progress. Keeping a gratitude journal can be an excellent practice for those in addiction recovery, as it allows them to reflect on their progress and acknowledge the support they’ve received along the way. By focusing on the positive aspects of their lives, individuals in recovery can begin to reframe their mindset and build resilience. To get started with cultivating a grateful mindset, try keeping a gratitude journal where you write down three things you’re thankful for each day.

A Safe and Sober Summer: How to Enjoy the Season

The embrace earth gives us must be returned by our embrace of the earth, just as recovery from addiction is maintained by carrying the message of sobriety to those still in need. No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, taking some time each day to say thank you to your Higher Power is a great way to cultivate more things to be grateful for in your life. This multiplies and before you know it your life is beyond your wildest dreams.

the importance of gratitude in recovery

Caregiver Stress and Burnout

  • Build relationships by writing thank-you letters to people in your life.
  • Expressing gratitude can also encourage you to strive for improvement, as it reminds you of what you have already achieved and demonstrates how much more you can accomplish.
  • You can also seek out people in other areas of your life, such as hobby groups, volunteer groups, or spirituality groups.
  • Come up with a list of past misfortunes and the lessons you’ve learned from each.
  • Being thankful is a fundamental part of the holiday season, but it’s also a big part of living a sober life in addiction recovery.

Scientific studies tell us that gratitude can benefit a person’s recovery experience. However, many people still have doubts or misconceptions that prevent them from practicing the importance of gratitude in recovery it regularly. Research shows that grateful people are more empathetic and compassionate, which means being grateful may improve your communication and trust.

the importance of gratitude in recovery

Maintaining a Positive Mindset Through Gratitude

the importance of gratitude in recovery

Sometimes addiction can even lead to imagined negative situations, like believing friends and family who just want to help are against you. This self-centered thought process is the opposite of gratitude, which would help you see your loved ones are trying to show they care and want to help. When you’re mired in the depths of addiction, other negative situations often come along with it. Substance abuse strains relationships, impacts personal finances, and can stymie your career, among other potential barriers to happiness. Arriving at a point in life where you are making a sincere effort to recover takes time.

Strengthen relationships and social support

Those with addiction issues, sometimes have maladjusted ways of thinking which become habits. These thoughts, as mentioned, can tend to be negative, always seeing what is wrong and what we don’t want. Many times people with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD) can quickly go down this path of negative thinking. And, for those in recovery, this can lead to the development of resentments. According to the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, resentment is the number one offender and can kill those with AUD or SUD. Integrating gratitude into your daily life can bring positivity and happiness.

Cultivating Gratitude Through Rituals

the importance of gratitude in recovery

Individualized, evidence based treatment, to fit your needs.

Gratitude is Good for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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